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 Robotics / NXT / 1077
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Re: Two dimensional arrays in NXC
Wed, 2 Apr 2008 14:22:29 GMT
26923 times
John Hansen wrote:
I am investigating possibly extending the NXC compiler so that it can handle the
syntax you were trying to use.  I will have to just create thread-safe temporary
variables of the required type and dimension and generate the three statements
above whenever the compiler encounters the twodarray[2][2] = 1 syntax.

Hope this help,

John Hansen

Well, don't add the functionality on my account - I've redone my program
a bit and now it doesn't need multi-dimensional arrays, and I think it's
better this way anyways.

Thanks for your help.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Two dimensional arrays in NXC
(...) The stock firmware supports multi-dimensional arrays but there is a bug in the replace opcode which makes it impossible to replace an element in an array with more than one dimension. In NXC, due to the way the opcodes work in the standard (...) (17 years ago, 31-Mar-08, to lugnet.robotics.nxt)

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