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 Robotics / Handy Board / 4313
4312  |  4314
Re: PID implementation
Thu, 13 Aug 1998 23:18:39 GMT
David Kott <*NoSpam*.edu>
1795 times
On Wed, 12 Aug 1998, Darkman wrote:


I have built a small robot with differential drive using 3+ACI- diam whee
ls turning at 66 RPM +AEA- full power PWM no load.

Each wheel has a 16 pulses per rev. reflective type shaft encoder.
the robot is controlled by the Handy Board running IC 3.2.

I'm fairly new to the robotics field and looking for some info or Tips on
how to accomplish some sort of PID control for this robot.

I toyed around with different timing ideas to move the robot 1 rev but  I
soon found out it's very unreliable type of control due to the fact that
each surface has a different drag coefficient and  battery voltage also
makes a big difference.

It seems that you have a feedback system here.  How does battery voltage
and surface resistance add error to your system when you have a feedback
loop to correct your error signal?

Another problem I'm facing is that with the L293D IC's have no brake
capabilities , so once the power to the motor is removed the momentum of
the robot  moves the robot past it's target.

No braking?  We solved that problem by effecting reverse current through
the DC motors we were using for propulsion.  A 70ms pulse worked great.
We didn't even use any feedback.

Any book on modern control systems would detail the basics of a feedback
system.  Unless you are truly desperate for a very fast system, you
wouldn't really have to do any calculations.  I would just write up a
simple program and experimentally much with the coefficients until you
found a stable system that does what you want.  A full PID controller
might be overkill.  Just a simple linear feedback system, in all
likelyhood, would suffice.


The box said "Requires Windows 95/NT or better"...
                                                 So I got Unix.

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Message is in Reply To:
  PID implementation
Problem: I have built a small robot with differential drive using 3+ACI- diam whee ls turning at 66 RPM +AEA- full power PWM no load. Each wheel has a 16 pulses per rev. reflective type shaft encoder. the robot is controlled by the Handy Board (...) (27 years ago, 12-Aug-98, to lugnet.robotics.handyboard)

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