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Re: Turning with one motor
Wed, 12 Jan 2000 18:00:32 GMT
864 times
In lugnet.robotics, writes:

I have built the prototype from the back of the manual that uses
one motor to turn both of the tracks with the differential.

If you can't get that version working, try making a bot that drives forward
with a plain differential (or even a solid axle, for simplicity) and uses a
steering wheel (or wheels) which point forward when moving forward but twist
sideways when in reverse.  With a single wheel you just have to mount it
off-center and add some arms to stop it in the positions you want.

The problem is I can't get it to turn when it goes into reverse.  I had
a look on the Lego web site that had a slightly different design but
that doesn't work either.  It either just clicks and turns normally or
when I try to tighten it with a band just locks up both wheels.

If you can't get the ratchet to work, there are several (mainly older) Technic
and Expert Builder sets that include ratcheting gears of various design.  The
most common old one used the gray eye-bolt piece (these have now been replaced
with the multicolored angled axle connector family) with a short axle and a
bushing on the end (rounded side *out*).  The arm is held in place by a gray
pin and lays against a 24t or bigger gear.  The important part is getting the
right angle, so it points down sharply into the gear when it tries to reverse.


Message is in Reply To:
  Turning with one motor
I am another one who got the RIS for Christmas. I have built the prototype from the back of the manual that uses one motor to turn both of the tracks with the differential. The problem is I can't get it to turn when it goes into reverse. I had a (...) (25 years ago, 12-Jan-00, to lugnet.robotics)

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