Re: Motor output multiplexing
Fri, 7 Jan 2000 15:48:57 GMT
alex wetmore <alex@&Spamless&>
782 times
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From: "David Leeper" <>
> Wow! That's just the type of thing I was looking for. Where do those little red
> motors come from?
Shop at home sells them, and there is one in the Space Shuttle kit. If you
call around to Zany Brainy stores you might be able to find one with a Space
Shuttle kit still on sale for $75, which is a great price for ~1300 pieces
(including two motors and a lot of gears). Most (all?) of them will allow
you to mail order stuff over the phone.
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Motor output multiplexing
| Has anyone come up with an electronic solution to the problem of only having 3 out ports? It seems it would be possible to control many more motors if some sort of a multiplexor was constructed, maybe the motors could use their own power supplies (...) (25 years ago, 7-Jan-00, to lugnet.robotics)
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