Re: Design wanted: Touch sensor for passing trains
Wed, 29 Dec 1999 03:25:39 GMT
Daniel A. Segel <DANIELS@NETCOM.COMstopspammers>
805 times
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I've never actually done it myself, but if you're interested in building
your own sensor you might want to look into using a reed switch. They
detect magnetic fields, so if you put a small magnet at the head of the
passing train in a place such that it would pass by the reed switch you
could detect it pretty easily (the interface to the reed switch would be
the same as for the LEGO touch sensor). Another magnet at the end of the
train would tell you when it had completely passed by.
Actually, you might need a pretty powerful magnet if the train is moving
quickly, but it would be fun to experiment with. Digikey and Mouser
Electronics sell miniature reed switches for a couple of bucks each. Radio
Shack used to sell them but I'm not sure if they still do. I might have a
few reed switches lying around; if I can find them I'll do a little
experimenting and report back.
I can't think of a reliable method of using the LEGO touch sensors that
wouldn't upset the stability of the train as it passed by since they rely
on a physical contact with the object they're detecting.
At 02:08 AM 12/29/99 +0000, Carl M. Kadie wrote:
> I'm using Mindstorms to control Lego trains.
> Does anyone have a design for using a touch sensor to detect a train
> passing?
> My intuition is that the touch sensor could be more reliable than the light
> sensor (plus I have two touch sensors and only one light sensor).
> Thanks much for any help,
> Carl Kadie
"Ich bin ein Geleeschaumgummiring."
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