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Re: HELP! Ultra-Newbie Question.
Sat, 4 Dec 1999 11:41:58 GMT
711 times
"Alex P" <> wrote in message
Greetings all,

Welcome, Alex.

I am new to the world of Robotics.  Infact, I haven't even bought a Kit • yet.
I'm posting this to this newsgroup, in hopes that someone can help me out.

Is the Robotics Invention Kit the best place to start?
Most people start off with the Mindstorms RIS. I suppose that's what you
mean. It's the only kit that includes the RCX, currently the most versatile
Lego robot-controlling computer. So, yes, the RIS is the best place to
start. Try to get the 1.0 version if you can. It has a power socket for an
adapter, the 1.5 hasn't.  The 1.0 includes an (almost) free upgrade to 1.5.
If you run out of parts, just buy some additional Technic sets. I recommend
the Space Shuttle, if it's still available where you live.

What abuot the CyberMaster?
Has an integrated computer/motor/battery pack unit. Especially suitable for
building vehicles. Radio controlled (RCX is IR-controlled). Doesn't do much
the RCX can't do too.

What is the best language to use?
That's a matter of taste and personal experience. If you have some
programming experience I suggest you skip the Lego-supplied programming
environment. Many people seem to like NQC (I do). It has a C-like syntax.
If you want ultimate control over every bit of hardware in your RCX, take a
look at LegOS. Actually, this is not a language, you need an additional
compiler. These are available for free though. But expect quite a bit of
hassle to get it all up and running.
There's also PBforth, Visual Basic/C++ and quite a few more.

How powerful is the REX computer -- i.e. Speed and RAM wise?
I'm not sure, I think it has 32 kilobytes of RAM. But, for control of small
robots you hardly need a lot of raw computing power. And I never ran out of
memory space (yet....).

any insights would be much appreciated - I've looked online and have read
descriptions, but those are advertisements pretty much.

OK, go for it. I've been tinkering with it for about 6 months now. Great

Thanks all in advance!!



Message has 2 Replies:
  legOS 0.2.2 (Re: HELP! Ultra-Newbie Question.)
(...) Arjen> If you want ultimate control over every bit of hardware in your Arjen> RCX, take a look at LegOS. Actually, this is not a language, Arjen> you need an additional compiler. These are available for free Arjen> though. But expect quite a (...) (25 years ago, 4-Dec-99, to lugnet.robotics)
  Re: HELP! Ultra-Newbie Question.
Arjen, Thanks for the info! I will go out and buy the RIS Kit ASAP. I was surfing around and have seen numerous homebrew sensors - I really hardly wait to get started! Thanks, Alexp Arjen Gerstel <> wrote in message (...) (25 years ago, 5-Dec-99, to lugnet.robotics)

Message is in Reply To:
  HELP! Ultra-Newbie Question.
Greetings all, I am new to the world of Robotics. Infact, I haven't even bought a Kit yet. I'm posting this to this newsgroup, in hopes that someone can help me out. Is the Robotics Invention Kit the best place to start? What abuot the CyberMaster? (...) (25 years ago, 3-Dec-99, to lugnet.robotics)

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