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 Robotics / 8788
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RE: Drift Correction
Fri, 3 Dec 1999 01:21:12 GMT
Tilman Sporkert <>
650 times
This will not work. Imagine a straight line that you want to follow. Drive for 5
seconds, allowing to drift to one side or the other. If there is any drift, you
will now be off the line and point in a direction that is not parallel to the
line. Now you correct by turning the vehicle. Assuming there is no slippage of
the wheels or threads, you will now point in the same direction, but you have
not corrected for the sideways drift. In other words, the vehicle will now be on
a new line that is parallel to the original line.

You will get better results if you reduce your drive/correct interval. As soon
as you discover a difference between the rotation sensors, adjust the power
levels of the motors.


Does anyone know how to do drift correction? I have tried 4 different
ways, but they all don't work. Is it a difference in wheel
circumference? Or is it something with the programming? I drive for 5
seconds, then check the rotation sesnor values, If the are different, it
drives the wheels until the are the same(one wheel or the other). I
don't see why this will not work. If I am missing something, then please
tell me.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Drift Correction
Ohhhh. Now I see what is wrong. And I also see why the NQC code that came with some tutorial or something does not work. Thanks for the help. Hopefully now I can get something that will work. Andy (25 years ago, 3-Dec-99, to lugnet.robotics)

Message is in Reply To:
  Drift Correction
Does anyone know how to do drift correction? I have tried 4 different ways, but they all don't work. Is it a difference in wheel circumference? Or is it something with the programming? I drive for 5 seconds, then check the rotation sesnor values, If (...) (25 years ago, 3-Dec-99, to lugnet.robotics)

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