Re: Homing with the IR Tower
Wed, 28 Jul 1999 08:49:16 GMT
1505 times
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In lugnet.robotics, Hao-yang Wang writes:
> [snip...]
> So yes, the differential drive with two driven wheels is more accurate than
> tracks.
> The problem is: It tilts easily when the claw lifts the can.
You can add more free wheels to make it very stable.
> The robot goes out looking for cans, grabs one, then heads home. Hopefully, we
> don't have to care whether it does its tasks in straight lines or not.
When I approached the Joel's challenge I was worried also about the time to
collect the cans. My idea was to develop a reliable navigation system to
minimize the time to find the cans. So I planned to use odometry to estimate
the position, going back home from time to time (or after having found a can)
to zero the accumulated errors.
Obviously the fact that the robot moves in stright lines is not relevant :-)
> > Hope this may help your project. I'll start mine sooner or later :-)
> Thanks. Since the initial release of Mindstorms, the Recycler has been
> pictured on the lid of the box. Isn't it a bit surprising that so much is
> involved to make it actually working?
What really makes this thing great is the incredible number of persons that,
directly or indirectly, contributed to this project. I'm glad and proud to
belong to this virtual community where ideas are shared just for the pleasure
of doing it.
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Homing with the IR Tower
| (...) My first thought: If you don't connect the tachometers directly to the tracks, but to the separate, unpowered wheels, you don't have to care if the tracks slip or not. My second thought: When the robot turns, there is exactly one "fixed point" (...) (26 years ago, 27-Jul-99, to lugnet.robotics)
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