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Re: A robot who knows his position (fwd)
Fri, 30 Apr 1999 16:13:19 GMT
1170 times
In lugnet.robotics, (Ralph M. Deal) writes:
On Fri, 30 Apr 1999, Mike Moran wrote:

. . .
Now I come to think of it, if you allowed the light sensor to move such that
it could follow the head of the arrow, then we could arrange it so that the
light sensor starts off above the bright arrow. However, when the arrow • moves
as a result of movement then the light sensor assembly starts "seeking" • right
and left until it encounters the bright arrow again. Since the assembly • knows
how far it has travelled, and in what direction, it can give a reading on
bearing. Unfortunately this would require use of a motor and some fidgeting
around with some code to drive the thing. However, it sounds like it may be
do-able and useful.
Can anyone see any problems with this?

Yes.  It is unnecessarily clumsy and heavy and would require considerable
computer attention to track rotation successfully.

That sounds like a challenge to me! ;-) I may just try and build something to
prove it can be done or can't be done easily. I believe the attention required
from the computer could be minimal. A first go at the algorithm would be:

#define INCREMENT <some time>
#define CIRCUMFERENCE <some number of increments>
sub moveLeftAnInc {}
sub moveRightAnInc {}

int aboveArrowLightLevel;
sub aboveArrow {}

int direction;
sub init {
  // find the arrow
  while (!foundArrow) {
  direction = 0;
  aboveArrowLightLevel = <current level>;

int tmpDirection;
int seekTo;
int foundArrow; // 0 = false, 1 = true
int lostArrow;
int count;
task trackArrow {
  foundArrow = 1;
  lostArrow = 0;
  while (!lostArrow) {
    wait (!aboveArrow()); // dunno if you can do this in wait
    // seek the arrow
    tmpDirection = direction;
    seekTo = 1;
    foundArrow = 0;
    while (!foundArrow) {
      if (abs(seekTo) >= CIRCUMFERENCE) {
        lostArrow = 1; break;
      // look left
      while (count != seekTo && !foundArrow) {
        if (aboveArrow()) {
          foundArrow = 1;
        count += 1;
      if (!foundArrow) {
        // look right
        < ... similar to look left ... >
      seekTo *= 2;

Thier are some bugs in this impl. but basically its: first sample to find where
the arrow is, then as soon as you lose it, look further and further away until
you find it. It doesn't matter *too* much if you missed an intermediate value,
since you still know where you are pointing *know*. I think I'll have a go at
this at the weekend.

                                                  I believe digital
encoding would be better.

Of course it would, but beggers can't be choosers; I, personally, don't know
enough about electronics to build things from a circuit diagram and don't have
enough dosh to buy some of the sensors that have been mentioned.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: A robot who knows his position (fwd)
On Fri, 30 Apr 1999, Mike Moran wrote: . . . (...) Yes. It is unnecessarily clumsy and heavy and would require considerable computer attention to track rotation successfully. I believe digital encoding would be better. Anyone know how one determines (...) (26 years ago, 30-Apr-99, to lugnet.robotics)

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