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 Robotics / 27994 (-10)
  Re: Updated NXT Software?
That's where I started. Clicking on Download on that page takes you to another page that says NXT. Clicking Download on that page takes you to a page that says you're about to install the EV3 software. This is where I stopped the first time. But as (...) (11 years ago, 3-Apr-14, to lugnet.robotics)
  Re: Updated NXT Software?
(...) (11 years ago, 2-Apr-14, to lugnet.robotics)
  Updated NXT Software?
I'm trying to install NXT software on a new machine from the NXT 2.0 CD, and from reading around it sounds like there have been some updates. Unfortunately, the Lego site only has EV3 software. You can find pages that talk about the NXT software, (...) (11 years ago, 2-Apr-14, to lugnet.robotics)
  EV3 Motor Control/Chasing a Target Position
The EV3's motor block can move a servo x number of degrees in a given direction, and the motor stops when it reaches this target. It then continues on to the next block in the program. Some time ago, HiTechnic released a block for NXT that would (...) (11 years ago, 25-Nov-13, to lugnet.robotics)
  Re: Activating an EV3 forum?
You can call me Chris :) (...) (12 years ago, 11-Sep-13, to lugnet.robotics)
  Re: Activating an EV3 forum?
(...) Hey Tai, Under the Edit Menu there is a Change Language. Mine only shows English when that option is clicked. Seems to me, the software is setup for localization. Maybe you can contact Lego and get the SDK and provide the Vietnamese language (...) (12 years ago, 11-Sep-13, to lugnet.robotics)
  Re: Activating an EV3 forum?
(...) Hey Tai, Download the commercial EV3 software from link provided by bennetc5 who owns an EV3 set. I'm reviewing the language manual and acquainting myself with the User Interface. As they say, once you know how to (...) (12 years ago, 11-Sep-13, to lugnet.robotics)
  Re: Activating an EV3 forum?
Glad the EV3 software download is free. It would definitely support the students working on their programs outside of the lab. Of course, in many of the Title I schools, many have no access to home computers. It's going to be interesting how younger (...) (12 years ago, 11-Sep-13, to lugnet.robotics)
  Re: Activating an EV3 forum?
(...) Love it! My young students haven't melted anything yet, but they've sure twisted a lot of axles in battle. Is the software only downloadable with a purchase key? It would be interesting to have my students download the software onto their home (...) (12 years ago, 10-Sep-13, to lugnet.robotics)
  Re: Activating an EV3 forum?
Also I got an interesting reply from lego. I asked them why all of their motors were slow. I MOC'ed a 8090 Supercar together with a 30,000 rpm 7.2 Hobby RC motor. Great in theory… reality not so much. I got it to move quickly and I spun a tire off (...) (12 years ago, 9-Sep-13, to lugnet.robotics)  

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