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Re: Matlab and NXT
Fri, 9 Feb 2007 17:42:50 GMT
3962 times
At 10:33 AM 2/8/07, iacopo finocchi wrote:
i am a italian student. sorry for my english, it's very bad. I follow a
university project, about LEGO NXT. I must utilized matlab to create a program
for NXT and a I try to find a program to  "translate" the program
from matlab to
NXT. This program has not to be a remote control of NXT. Can you help me?
Thank's a lot.

It sounds like you want to make a program in Matlab, and compile it
to run on the NXT.  You do NOT want to make a program that runs on a
PC, and is a remote control for the NXT.  Right?

This is NOT a simple task.

I don't know much about Matlab, but if you want the PC (and Matlab)
to control the robot, it should be pretty easy to have the computer
send simple bluetooth commands directly to the NXT.

This really doesn't answer your questions, but maybe you can get some
ideas from other software listed on this page...

I hope that helps.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Matlab and NXT
ello from Spain You can find a project on (URL) and a project with Simulink on (2 URLs) Koldo (URL) Hassenplug(e)k dio: (...) (18 years ago, 10-Feb-07, to lugnet.robotics)

Message is in Reply To:
  Matlab and NXT
Hi, i am a italian student. sorry for my english, it's very bad. I follow a university project, about LEGO NXT. I must utilized matlab to create a program for NXT and a I try to find a program to "translate" the program from matlab to NXT. This (...) (18 years ago, 8-Feb-07, to lugnet.robotics)

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