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 Robotics / 25556
25555  |  25557
Re: Nic_1
Fri, 10 Feb 2006 20:35:40 GMT
2394 times
In lugnet.robotics, Matthew Ruschmann wrote:
In lugnet.robotics, Claude Baumann wrote:
If you want to see Nic_1, a sound following robot, go to

Nic_1 runs a program on the RCX that first samples two RCX sensor input ports at
36000 Hz (there is no mistake here !) to receive 300 samples from both
microphone channels. Then the program operates a fast and simplified
cross-correlation, yielding the phase-lag between both audio-signals. This value
is used to indicate the direction towards which Nic_1 is supposed to turn. The
program prunes erroneous values that might appear due to room reverberation. The
program was written with Ultimate ROBOLAB.

The video shows Nic_1 whilst tracking radio-music. It also could be a music
instrument or a human voice.


Hey that's pretty amazing for the standard RCX firmware.  I guess calculation
time doesn't really matter though.

Calculation time is very short -regarded the H8 limits- On the video and the
program diagram you can conclude that the robot turns about every 2 seconds.
Deduce the 0.8 sec pause and you have something around 1.2 seconds for a
cross-correlation of 300 samples.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Nic_1
(...) Hey that's pretty amazing for the standard RCX firmware. I guess calculation time doesn't really matter though. I'm a graduate EE taking estimation theory this semester so I'll keep this close to my heart. :-p I can't wait to try 2 mics on the (...) (19 years ago, 10-Feb-06, to lugnet.robotics)

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