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Re: The NXT step for HiTechnic?
Sun, 5 Feb 2006 23:55:09 GMT
2299 times
In lugnet.robotics, Bryan Bonahoom wrote:
When I was out at the HT website looking at the NXT compass announcement, I went
ahead and bought one of the 433MHz remotes.  I was thinking that if every GBC
module had one of these remotes, then we could turn the GBC on and off with a
single button push...wasn't that on the wish list at BrickFest??  :)  Of course,
it begs the question, how much will HT charge for a remote receiver with no

Nice idea, but two questions:
How many GBC modules used an RCX? And how many of those RCXs had a free sensor

Of course for next year's NXT-based GBC, with proper programming, a single
BlueTooth cell-phone could turn off the 10% of the modules that use an NXT all
at once (passing messages from one module to the next -- since BT doesn't
support a broadcast mode). And an extra NXT robot could be hovering over the
master power switch/circuit breaker, and turn it, and hence the other 90% of the
modules, off as well :-)

  David Schilling

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: The NXT step for HiTechnic?
(...) I have seen the compass module work on the RCX. Very cool!! Having the conversion wires announced (which I hadn't noticed before) relieves me. When I was out at the HT website looking at the NXT compass announcement, I went ahead and bought (...) (19 years ago, 5-Feb-06, to lugnet.robotics)

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