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Re: Hot Mindstorms NXT News from MacWorld
Sat, 14 Jan 2006 05:45:48 GMT
Russell Nelson <[]avoidspam[]>
2263 times
Bill Ward writes:
> Also, I asked about the power adapters for the NXT bricks. He said
> that there will not be a power adapter port in the NXT sold by LEGO
> Education, but that they would offer a special rechargeable battery
> pack which can be used instead of the usual 6 AA cell
> batteries. Teachers and AFOL� who love the power port will be
> disappointed by this news, but at least the battery pack may have
> better life than the equivalent set of AA batteries would.

The pros are already using Ni-MH batteries.  You get better energy
density than alkalines anyway.

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Message is in Reply To:
  Hot Mindstorms NXT News from MacWorld
(This message also appears on my blog: (URL)) At MacWorld I was talking to the LEGO Education (Dacta) guy there and he told me some interesting things about Mindstorms NXT that I hadn’t heard anywhere else. I already knew that the FIRST LEGO League (...) (19 years ago, 11-Jan-06, to lugnet.robotics, FTX)  

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