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Re: Where should the 100 NXT testers' findings be shown?
Mon, 9 Jan 2006 03:45:41 GMT
2571 times
In lugnet.robotics, Jamie Bliss wrote:
   In lugnet.robotics, Jordan Bradford wrote:
   This seems like the perfect time to create a Mindstorms wiki, which I think would be the best way to consolidate information.

What’s wrong with BrickWiki?

If it’s lacking info, fix it. It has more info than a brand-new wiki.

If it’s slow, we’re working on improving that.

If you don’t like the domain name, we’re willing to let someone donate one.

I didn’t know it existed. Sorry! :)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Where should the 100 NXT testers' findings be shown?
(...) What's wrong with BrickWiki? (URL) If it's lacking info, fix it. It has more info than a brand-new wiki. If it's slow, we're working on improving that. If you don't like the domain name, we're willing to let someone donate one. (19 years ago, 8-Jan-06, to lugnet.robotics, FTX)

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