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RE: RIS 2.0 Problems
Mon, 7 Mar 2005 15:33:00 GMT
Larry Whitman <LARRY.WHITMAN@stopspammersWICHITA.EDU>
2821 times
Let me weigh in. Robolab, I think, is an EXCELLENT tool to bridge the gap
between GUI based programming and "kid" programming.

Also, it should be noted that ALL programming is not done in a C/C++
environment. Many engineers spend time developing things like discrete event
simulation models, lab control modules, and business process models that use
a GUI environment like Robolab. I teach Industrial Engineering and computer
simulation actually requires both skills (GUI and coding - but many just do
the GUI part and supplement as needed with code).

It is my experience that the GUI helps to teach kids logic in programming.

I doubt that we will make all these kids traditional computer programmers.
So, Robolab is a good tool to teach basic logic in programming. (Granted I
learned old school stuff as I graduated college just before C took off and
spent a good part of the first of my career coding in FORTRAN - even though
much talk was made of its lack of value then).

I think teachers and kids can learn Robolab and be productive much faster
than NQC. I think Robolab has a much higher ceiling than RIS.

Larry Whitman

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Thomas Johnson
Sent: Monday, March 07, 2005 1:41 AM
Subject: Re: RIS 2.0 Problems


I stand by my statements.  Robolab does not encourage poor
programing practice.
Neither does NQC encourage it.  These tools are neutral and
can be used well or not.

Further, Robolab skills become LabVIEW skills--skills that
are often required to get a (non-software) engineering
degree. Hardly an "educational dead end"



Message is in Reply To:
  Re: RIS 2.0 Problems
Steve, I stand by my statements. Robolab does not encourage poor programing practice. Neither does NQC encourage it. These tools are neutral and can be used well or not. Further, Robolab skills become LabVIEW skills--skills that are often required (...) (20 years ago, 7-Mar-05, to lugnet.robotics)

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