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 Robotics / 22863
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Re: RIS Upgrade Kit
Sat, 18 Sep 2004 23:49:55 GMT
1506 times
Thanks al for your input. Guess for the time being I’ll just have to use my old HP desktop when I use my RCXs.


A&M LWorks

In lugnet.robotics, Sandy Johnson wrote:
   In lugnet.robotics, Timmy Brolin wrote:
   Or you could just buy a USB-to-serial adapter at your local computer store. They are fairly inexpensive.

-Timmy Brolin

Orion Pobursky wrote:

   In lugnet.robotics, Ahui Herrera wrote:

   In lugnet.robotics, Orion Pobursky wrote:

   In lugnet.robotics, Ahui Herrera wrote:

   I have the RCX 1.5 kit but with my new PC I do not have a serial port. Does LEGO just sell the USB version of the IR tower? If so what item # is it. Also is 1.5 the latest firmware or 2.0? Thanks, AHui

2.0 is the latest and:


Thanks, but what about the software upgrade? I remember that I was able to purchase an upgrade kit from 1.0 to 1.5 from LEGO a while back. Is there such a thing from 1.5 to 2.0?

It’s set 3805 but it seems that LEGO isn’t selling it anymore:

A quick Bricklink search yeilded:


Don’t use a USB to serial converter. It won’t work with the IR tower. You’ll need to get the USB tower (ebay is where I got mine) and then you’ll need RIS 2.0.

I have a notebook with no serial port, and I tried a USB to serial converter with no luck at all. I also tried a PCMCIA serial card, which did not work reliably - occasionally short packets would be received.

I’m sure others here can explain why. (Timing and so on...)

(BTW, if I’m wrong and anyone has made a USB to serial adaptor work, then I’d love to know...)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: RIS Upgrade Kit
(...) Don't use a USB to serial converter. It won't work with the IR tower. You'll need to get the USB tower (ebay is where I got mine) and then you'll need RIS 2.0. I have a notebook with no serial port, and I tried a USB to serial converter with (...) (20 years ago, 15-Sep-04, to lugnet.robotics)

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