Re: Cybermaster Motor dead? Happend to anyone else?
Thu, 31 Dec 1998 13:39:40 GMT
Laurentino Martins <>
1569 times
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At 11:01 31-12-1998 Thursday , you wrote:
> Last night I was programming my Cybermaster, the programm was running fine,
> except that the Brick stopped very hard and switched off after running
> forward about 1,5m . The voltage went down to 6.000 mV for 7.500 mV
> Since then there is only a scrambling sound when I start the motors with
> assembled chains, wheels or anything else that needs power. If there is
> nothing attached, the motor will turn around. New batteries don´t help.
> If I look to the current on motor three, the maximum is about 45mAmps, when
> the whole thing was ok, the maximum was about 110 MAmps.
> All three motors are victim´s of this strange behaviour.
> I think the motor driver circuit is broken.
> Does anybody else had this problem? Or is there a wrong parameter somewhere
> ? (just used fwd,rwd,on and off)
I know you said that fresh batteries didn't fixed it, but the only time it
happened to me it happened *exactly* the way you said and the fix was to
purchase new batteries.
Sorry, but I have no other ideas whatsoever.
Laurentino Martins *<||:-)
Did you check the web site first?:
Message has 2 Replies:  | | Re: Cybermaster Motor dead? Happend to anyone else?
| Laurentino Martins schrieb in Nachricht (...) I know you said that fresh batteries didn't fixed it, but the only time it happened to me it happened *exactly* the way you said and the fix was to purchase new batteries. Sorry, but I have no other (...) (26 years ago, 31-Dec-98, to lugnet.robotics)
|  | | Re: Cybermaster Motor dead? Happend to anyone else?
| Laurentino Martins schrieb in Nachricht <4.1.19981231133737....90.220>... At 11:01 31-12-1998 Thursday , you wrote: I know you said that fresh batteries didn't fixed it, but the only time it happened to me it happened *exactly* the way you said and (...) (26 years ago, 1-Jan-99, to lugnet.robotics)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Cybermaster Motor dead? Happend to anyone else?
| Last night I was programming my Cybermaster, the programm was running fine, except that the Brick stopped very hard and switched off after running forward about 1,5m . The voltage went down to 6.000 mV for 7.500 mV Since then there is only a (...) (26 years ago, 31-Dec-98, to lugnet.robotics)
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