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 Robotics / 19672
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Re: "real" LEGO Hovercraft ? (with/without batteries/RCX "onboard")
Sat, 30 Nov 2002 02:02:32 GMT
Jim Choate <ravage@einstein[saynotospam]>
1167 times
On Sat, 30 Nov 2002, Nick Tarleton wrote:

Jim Choate wrote:

On Fri, 29 Nov 2002, Steve Baker wrote:

So long as we are down here on the surface of the earth talking about
the air pressure under the skirt of a hovercraft and whether it'll
lift or not, weight and mass are equivelent concepts.

That's a pretty basic physics mistake <shrug>.

How? It seems to me that as long as acceleration due to gravity is constant
(i.e. same altitude, same planet; in this case, 9.8 m/s/s) then weight and
mass have a simple proportional relationship.

Ok, remember you asked...

Let's take example 1-

You're in an elevator. The elevator goes down. Your weight decreases but
your mass does not.

Q: Where did the weight go? Did you mass change?

Example 2-

Take a 1lb weight and a scale.

Scenario a:

Place the weight on a surface with zero friction (you can use ice, or a
Teflon surface for a real world sandbox)

Take the scale and lift the weight 1ft. how much does the scale measure?
Answer, 1lb.

Scenario b:

Now, take the same scale and the same weight and pull the weight
horizontally. What does the scale measure? A number -considerably- less
than 1lb.

Q: Where did that 'weight' disappear to?

Example 3-

Take a refrigerator and place it on a roller-bed or flat dolly of some

Scenario a:

Take a scale and attach to the refrigerator side, pull the scale until the
regrigerator moves. Note the amount of force.

Scenario b:

Take the scale and attach to the top of the regrigerator, pull the scale
until the regrigerator moves. Note the amount of force.

Example 4-

Note that you can demonsrate this with your car as well. You can push your
car on a flat surface, but you can't lift it.

Q: Why?


What's going on here?

Weight is a vector (because g is a vector force), mass is a scalar (mass
isn't a function of a force nor is it a vector).

Q: What is the purpose of the -g in your basic mechanics texts?

Q: What is the sin(theta) in the description of a pendulum?

Weight is -only- equal to mass when the applied force is -parallel- to the
gravity force. In -all- other cases there is a sin(theta) factor.

When you act on a body vertically (with respect to the ground) then weight
and mass are equivalent. When a force acts perpendicular to gravity only
the mass is a factor (assuming friction can be ignored, which -is- a
function of gravity since it works perpendicular to the applied force).
Further, if you negate gravity (eg jump off a tall building) then you have
-zero- weight but your mass is -always- constant.

Bottom line, mass and weight are -not always- equivalent even on Earth.

As I said, a very basic physics mistake.


    We don't see things as they are,            
    we see them as we are.                         
    Anais Nin                               


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: "real" LEGO Hovercraft ? (with/without batteries/RCX "onboard")
(...) And if we were talking about a hovercraft in an elevator - I'd be agreeing with you. Dumb pedantry doesn't work here. The **WEIGHT** of the hovercraft is just as important/relevent/applicable as the **MASS** of the hovercraft when we are (...) (22 years ago, 30-Nov-02, to lugnet.robotics)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: "real" LEGO Hovercraft ? (with/without batteries/RCX "onboard")
(...) How? It seems to me that as long as acceleration due to gravity is constant (i.e. same altitude, same planet; in this case, 9.8 m/s/s) then weight and mass have a simple proportional relationship. (22 years ago, 30-Nov-02, to lugnet.robotics)

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