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Re: Extra sensors available in UK
Wed, 30 Dec 1998 07:23:44 GMT
1766 times
To avoid hordes of us pestering Windsor folks on the 'phone, how about
anyone who has contaxcted them posting part numbers & prices?

In fact, if people email me with the details (ie, do the hard work!), I'm
willing to put up a page with the latest UK prices.


Philip Russell wrote in message ...


Very true but, the service packs they do have ( its a large walk in • cupboard at
one end) and if you know the numbers of the parts then they have them! I of
course didn't have the numbers, but the staff were very helpful and did • find an
angle sensor for me.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Extra sensors available in UK
Windsor now closed until 13march1998. Dacta parts were available in the Big Shop, but my past experience was you needed to go to the Dacta shop underneath the Time Cruiser Roller Coaster, order it there, pick it up at the Big shop. Gavin Smyth wrote (...) (26 years ago, 30-Dec-98, to lugnet.robotics)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Extra sensors available in UK
(...) one end) and if you know the numbers of the parts then they have them! I of course didn't have the numbers, but the staff were very helpful and did find an angle sensor for me. Philip (26 years ago, 29-Dec-98, to lugnet.robotics)

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