Re: RCX won't start
Sat, 29 Dec 2001 17:23:51 GMT
Frank Wein <>
973 times
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John Hansen wrote:
> BricxCC (a
> significantly enhanced and recently renamed version of RcxCC) does not use
> the Spirit.OCX ActiveX control so it will run fine without that control
> being installed on your computer.
Thats good, very good. At my school the teacher meens for RcxCC you need
the spirit.ocx and theres no newer version of the Programm (i know now
there is but my teacher doesn't know). We program with RCX 2.0 and
theres no spirit.ocx on CD. By the way our teacher means the best is
compiling in DOS-Box and writing programs in Notepad (he also had some
time ago the idee programming a controller with assembler). Quite
comfortable, isn't it ;-), no debugger, no syntax highliting...?
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Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: RCX won't start
| (...) Old versions of RcxCC (i.e., Mark Overmars' original version and early releases of my enhanced version) required the Spirit.OCX control to be registered on your machine in order for RcxCC to run. BricxCC (a significantly enhanced and recently (...) (23 years ago, 29-Dec-01, to lugnet.robotics)
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