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 Robotics / 16154
  Re: rechargeable 9V battery packs for RCX/JCX and Legos motors
(...) I would like to follow up on this. The school I volunteer at to teach LEGO Robotics now has 4 RIS 1.5 and 4 RIS 2.0 and batteries are a real problem. Disassembling kids robots to change batteries is a pain! I have been using 1800MAh NiMh AA (...) (23 years ago, 10-Sep-01, to lugnet.robotics)
  Re: rechargeable 9V battery packs for RCX/JCX and Legos motors
(...) You might want to consider the connector used for R/C battery packs. If memory serves, they are fairly immune to shorting, can only be connected the right way, and the connectors lock together. My digi-key catalog shows Molex as one possible (...) (23 years ago, 15-Sep-01, to lugnet.robotics)
  Re: rechargeable 9V battery packs for RCX/JCX and Legos motors
(...) Caution... Most chargers out put much more then the RCX can handle. I recall there being a thread that cautioned against charging in the RCX. Dean (23 years ago, 15-Sep-01, to lugnet.robotics)
  Re: rechargeable 9V battery packs for RCX/JCX and Legos motors
Dave, these look very good.. both the male and female appear to be recessed... Which end is typically used for the battery?? Thanks! Terry says... (...) (23 years ago, 3-Oct-01, to lugnet.robotics)
  Re: rechargeable 9V battery packs for RCX/JCX and Legos motors
(...) The battery connector has pins, the charger has the socket/receptacles. The square contact is positive. Bruce Boyes ------- WWW.SYSTRONIX.COM ---...--- Real embedded Java and much more High speed 8051 systems +1-801-534-1017 Salt Lake City, (...) (23 years ago, 3-Oct-01, to lugnet.robotics)

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