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Re: ADSL and LAN (was: i neeeeeed help! can't logon to the lego site)
Fri, 1 Jun 2001 13:40:10 GMT
842 times
configuration so that I can have a domain for development/programming
reasons. I basically want to have all computers on the LAN be able to access
the internet. I've been really interested in ADSL/DSL (does it matter?) but
haven't been able to find a good answer to this question if this
configuration can work. I would think I could put the DSL modem/net card in
the server and also have the LAN network card (basically dual-homed server)
and have the server act as a "software" based router/firewall.

Get one of the LinkSYS Cable/DSL Routers (~$200 CDN$ for a 4 port), or
learn to use linux and setup a firewall machine.

Message is in Reply To:
  ADSL and LAN (was: i neeeeeed help! can't logon to the lego site)
(...) So here is my question with ADSL - can it be used, and work well with, a private LAN? I have a LAN (Win2k server based) in my house that includes the server being a DNS server, DHCP server and Domain controller. I have this configuration so (...) (24 years ago, 1-Jun-01, to lugnet.robotics,

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