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 Robotics / 14815
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Re: Solar Capacitor
Sun, 1 Apr 2001 02:04:32 GMT
789 times
Bob Fay wrote:

I have been playing with a couple of Lego solar panels and the Capacitors.
The label on the capacitor claims a value of 1 farad. Is this value possible
in such a small component? I always thought a 1 farad capacitor would need a
huge plate area. I am from the old school of vacuum tubes. I will say the
cap unit does a great job of supplying a nice regulated 2.5 volts. I am
really impressed with this unit.

Yeah it's for real. There's been alot of discussion about the capacitor
on here recently, just do a news search.



Micah J. Mabelitini - LUGNET #918
The University of Kentucky
SECC Middlesboro Academic Skills Resource Center -

Message is in Reply To:
  Solar Capacitor
I have been playing with a couple of Lego solar panels and the Capacitors. (URL) label on the capacitor claims a value of 1 farad. Is this value possible in such a small component? I always thought a 1 farad capacitor would need a huge plate area. I (...) (24 years ago, 31-Mar-01, to lugnet.robotics)

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