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 Robotics / 14386
14385  |  14387
Re: Walkers
Thu, 15 Feb 2001 17:12:25 GMT
918 times
From a robot which attempted to balance using 2 wheels I found...

From stationary start falling forward...
detect pendulum swinging forward
accelerate to bring upright again
pedulum is pushed back by acceleration
detect 'upright', stop
fall over really, really hard!

Try rebuilding you robot with the wheels tilted.  Instead of the having the
axel parallel with the ground (0 deg), tilt the wheel so the axel is is at
60+ deg.  This moves the effective center of rotation upwards.  Once you get
it above the CG you won't fall over again.

I've seen a device demonstrated that consisted of a lever with a free-
swinging pendulum connected one end - with a motor at the other end
of the lever. There were rotation sensors at the motor and the fulcrum
of the pendulum. (This wasn't a Lego device) The software was able to
jiggle the motor about until both lever and pendulum were
pointed straight up - and to balance them there indefinitely.
You could even push the pendulum with quite a bit of force to
try to knock it over and the system would catch it and rebalance
the system within a small fraction of a second.  The entire thing
was completely hypnotic because it worked with more speed and
precision than you'd think possible.  It was the robotic equivelent
of balancing a pencil point-down on the tip of your finger without
moving your arm...and then letting someone try to knock it off your
finger without losing it!

This was done by emulating the physics of the system in software
and applying the precise amount of force theoretically needed to
exactly halt the pendulum in the vertical position. By recomputing
this solution about 500 times a second and adjusting the speed of
the motor accordingly, the system could have the pendulum appear
to stop dead in the correct position.

You don't have to know the physics of the entire system to do this
correctly.  The pencil is the only important part.  You can use feedback
control and some rough guestimates to replace knowing alot about the open
loop responce of the pencil point positioner.  Quite a few years ago a
friend and I did the inverted pendulum thing in two degrees of freedom using
an XY table.  When neural networks became all the rage, he implemented a
neural network based controller that balanced the pendulum (I never really
understood how he accomplished the training).  It was once again revived a
few years later as a fuzzy logic control demonstrator.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Walkers
(...) Well, I think your software has to be able to predict (mathematically) what will happen to the robot and the pendulum as it accellerates the motor. You can't rely on the simple "if pendulum in middle all is well" thing. You need to know the (...) (24 years ago, 14-Feb-01, to lugnet.robotics)

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