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Re: Using one motor to do 2 things...
Fri, 27 Oct 2000 21:20:03 GMT
735 times
I don't know if this will help, but i'm currently working on a device that lets one
motor drive four seperate axles. Downside is that it's one direction only, and only
one axle can be used at one time. Howerver, you could use an extra gear to make two
of the axle drive one thing, and depending on which axle was selected, would go
forward or back, the other two could drive the left/right, but you would only be
able to turn in forward (or if you changed the gearing the bot could turn in
reverse). One last note, my design has the potential to attach more than four
axles, and still drive them seperately, but the size of the contraption would
increase emensly. right now, the design is a 16 beam long, not counting the axles
sticking out the ends, and I still need to design the last bit of gearing that lets
one motor turn the central axle, and select which gear to engage.
    With the design, I'm planning on making a arm, with the device rotating the arm
and moving it up and down. My other two motors will control the claw, and move
another joint up and down (the whole arm will be like an actual human arm to some
extent), so the device is more made to be sationary, but it could go on a mobile

Hope this helps!


P.S. you want more information, email me and ill give to move info.

Jason wrote:

Stupid me I just thought of another problem that makes this an engineering
impossiblity (I think).

How to reverse directions of the left/right action?  It seems making the
forward/backward motion and the left/right motion on the same motor is mutually

Is this right? :(

Looks like RCX #2.....

In lugnet.robotics, Mike McFarlane writes:
Hi Jason

It's a Friday night and my mind has disengaged so I've not totally thought
these through, but you could try a combination of ratchets and directional
gearboxes (as seen in the Unofficial guide to Lego Mindstorms by J Knudsen).
Basically you have one input shaft and two output shafts. The input shaft
drives a swinging arm and the drive train. So if you turn the motor one way
then the swinging arm moves to one side and drives output shaft 1 and if you
turn the motor the other way then the arm swings in the other direction and
drives output shaft 2. You could also try a ratchet on one axle so if you
reverse then the wheel on that side is locked (as in Robo 2 in RIS 1.0
Constructopedia) or possibly a ratchet onto a differential.

Anyway, just some thoughts for you to try. I'm sure someone else will give
you a more detailed plan or as normal some nice person normally has the idea
on a website somewhere. This isn't a particularly uncommom problem. Can I
extole the virtues of another RCX though - much more fun ;-).


In lugnet.robotics, Jason Rowoldt writes:
Hello Mindstorms fans,

I am suffering through a bit of an engineering block.  Let me explain:

I had an idea to build a drivetrain that will provide both front/back • movement
and left/right(turning) movement off one motor.  My question is: is this
possible?  It's hard to draw this in ASCII so let me try to explain.

* If you use a motor for front/back, you can configure an axle to also • provide
left/right movement through an (I'm not sure of the technical name here)
inverse of the gear (one of the gears that has teeth only on one side).  But • if
you do this, it means that anytime your chassis is going say, forward, it is
also going, say, left.  In the other direction, the chassis will go backwards
and right.  This will cause the chassis to do continual 3-point turnarounds.

*The way to overcome this is to disengage the gear that makes the axle (and
thus wheels through rods) from the main drivetrain (the part that makes the
chassis go forward/reverse).  However, I cannot think of a way to do this
without another motor.

The short question of this is: Is there any way to use one motor to do both
forward/reverse and turning capability?  Since the RCX has only 3 output • ports
and I need 2 other outputs for something else, that means buying another RCX.

Looking forward to any ideas from the experienced LEGO engineers out there.

Jason, building a protoype battle robot.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Using one motor to do 2 things...
Stupid me I just thought of another problem that makes this an engineering impossiblity (I think). How to reverse directions of the left/right action? It seems making the forward/backward motion and the left/right motion on the same motor is (...) (24 years ago, 27-Oct-00, to lugnet.robotics)

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