Re: Strong gear assemble?
Fri, 22 Sep 2000 13:06:33 GMT
878 times
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Jason Stern wrote:
> Same when it goes back down. I do need to add one
> more worm gear, right now it lifts everything but the rcx (very close though),
> so it needs a little more torque.
A word of caution - the worm gears are certainly great for large gear reductions in
small spaces, and it is usually easy to brace them well, but they have one
disadvantage over a traditional gear train - they create more friction, and are
therefore less efficient in this regard. If all you need is just a little more
torque, you may be better off using, say, an 8 tooth into a 24 tooth gear for a 1:3
reduction instead of another worm screw.
Any thoughts on whether a normal gear train should be placed before or after the
worm screw? Intuition tells me that it would be best before, so that the worm screw
would be spinning more slowly, and therefore subject to less friction. On the other
hand, the torque put on the worm screw by the load and motor in this situation
would be greater, which could in turn create more friction. All this assumes that
you have the choice of fitting the gears in the model in either combination, of
Jennifer Clark
Message has 3 Replies:  | | Re: Strong gear assemble?
| (...) Would the friction created be that much of a problem? Would the loss in efficiency be that noticeable? (Note: These are not rhetorical questions so a response would be appreciated :-) Jude (24 years ago, 22-Sep-00, to lugnet.robotics)
|  | | Re: Strong gear assemble?
| Im ahead of you there, I already did that :p. I need to add even more torque. The the current setup is this: worm to central 40pt gear, 40pt's axle is connected to one 8pt gear on either end and then after that a 16 (i think)on each end also. The (...) (24 years ago, 22-Sep-00, to lugnet.robotics)
|  | | Re: Strong gear assemble?
| According to "The Art of LEGO Design" a worm gear is best used at high-speed, low-torque points in the drive train. In other words, drive the worm from the motor, then do any further gearing... Unless your normal gear train is trading torque for (...) (24 years ago, 22-Sep-00, to lugnet.robotics)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Strong gear assemble?
| Thanks for the help! After sending out the email, I thought of a way to do it (using a worm and a 40t gear ;), so now it lifts its self. Its interesting to watch as it rises though, because even though its semetricle, it goes up on first one leg, (...) (24 years ago, 21-Sep-00, to lugnet.robotics)
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