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 Robotics / 11106
11105  |  11107
Re: reading sensor values?
Sat, 25 Mar 2000 02:59:36 GMT
2755 times
There is a shortcut by pressing ctrl while selecting next I think...  Dave

In lugnet.robotics, Todd Ahlstrom writes:
I finally installed lego's mindstorm software on my PC.  It seems that
it won't let me do any programming until I finish the stupid tutorials.
Is this true?  I try clicking on other menu options, but only the
blinking option works.  Very aggravating.  Since I haven't had the
patience to sit through all the tutorials yet, I thought perhaps someone
could answer a simple question.  I want to be able to see the values
that the light sensor puts out when I pass certain colors beneath it.  I
am planning on writing all my code in NQC if it matters.  I just need to
see the values for the colors so I can write the code.  Thanks for the


Message is in Reply To:
  reading sensor values?
I finally installed lego's mindstorm software on my PC. It seems that it won't let me do any programming until I finish the stupid tutorials. Is this true? I try clicking on other menu options, but only the blinking option works. Very aggravating. (...) (25 years ago, 25-Mar-00, to lugnet.robotics)

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