| | Re: Process Control with RCX
Having to trouble shoot a Dell Inspiron 1100 not booting up cleanly. An alarm goes off and it goes to safe boot mode. I am running the original Home version of XP without updates and RoboLab 2.94. Keeping the 2007 working original program until new (...) (8 years ago, 15-Mar-17, to lugnet.robotics.rcx)
| | LM Vision Command for WinXP
Hello everyone, This is an old topic but I need your help. I acquired the set 9731 LM Vision Command without the original software and I can't found the English version for WinXP nowhere. At BrickLink, only other languages are on sale for WinXP. Can (...) (8 years ago, 4-Mar-17, to lugnet.robotics)
| | Re: Process Control with RCX
Here is the twenty foot long process on the main RCX for the printer. https://www.dropbox....X.jpg?dl=0 I wanted to use sub routines and loop the process so the program could look elegant but never got it to work. Here each color has it's own put (...) (8 years ago, 20-Feb-17, to lugnet.robotics.rcx)
| | Process Control with RCX
I am back on the Lego wagon, making another painting machine. Looking forward to creating the best practices program with your advising. (8 years ago, 9-Jan-17, to lugnet.robotics.rcx)
| | Re: CyberMaster connection to BricxCC
(...) Answer: It is simple: I used the prolific usb to serial adapter, configured the Serial communication to 9600,8,n,xon/xoff , took a NULL-Modem Serial Cable and linkt pin 4 and 6 on the 9-pin connector together. After that communication to the (...) (9 years ago, 23-Apr-16, to lugnet.robotics.cybermaster)