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LM Vision Command for WinXP
Sat, 4 Mar 2017 16:21:33 GMT
27401 times
Hello everyone,

This is an old topic but I need your help.

I acquired the set 9731 LM Vision Command without the original software and I
can't found the English version for WinXP nowhere. At BrickLink, only other
languages are on sale for WinXP.

Can someone share the installation CD in English of LEGO Mindstorms Vision
Command for Windows XP or where can I download the software in English??

Any help appreciated...

Alberto Santos

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: LM Vision Command for WinXP
(...) I have it. Will duplicate it and post it on Drop Box. (8 years ago, 10-Apr-17, to lugnet.robotics)

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