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 Robotics / *48188 (-5)
  Re: NXT Newbie "Is it possible" question
(...) I'm not sure how much time you have, or what resources... but you might be able to do this with a single set. If you put an arm on each motor, such that "track A" would hit a peg and turn the motor clockwise, but "Track B" would hit a peg on (...) (14 years ago, 24-Aug-10, to lugnet.robotics.nxt)
  Re: NXT Newbie "Is it possible" question
(...) Well, just for diversity here's a slightly different approach. Make the first block a "Reset Timer" block, then split the program into four sequences. Each is simply a "Wait for Touch Sensor", followed by "Read Timer" block with the result (...) (14 years ago, 24-Aug-10, to lugnet.robotics.nxt)
  Re: NXT Newbie "Is it possible" question
Thanks Kevin! That gives me a good start. once I get some sort of working model, I'll share with world for some good old fashion criticism. Chris (14 years ago, 19-Aug-10, to lugnet.robotics.nxt)
  Re: How is this?
(...) Yes, change the "wait for 9" to be a "check for 9", and the problem should go away... Loop forever if Touched and distance < 9 { turn on motor } else { turn off motor } Kevin (14 years ago, 19-Aug-10, to lugnet.robotics.nxt)
  Re: NXT Newbie "Is it possible" question
(...) Chris, Sure it is, as long as the NXT cables are long enough to place the sensors where you want on the track. As you already figured out, the tricky bits are in the software. Here is pseudocode for what I would do were I to program it in G (...) (14 years ago, 19-Aug-10, to lugnet.robotics.nxt)

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