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 Reviews / 526 (-10)
  Re: 2000 Race theme
(...) Really? I'm not so sure, since the character TLC uses to advertise LEGO Racers isn't one of the minifigs...also, didn't the racing game have you racing against characters from other themes, like the Insectoid Queen and the Bat Lord? J (25 years ago, 16-May-00, to,
  Re: 2000 Race theme
(...) in stores but is the window on the green monster truck "tinted" (or smoked color) the set number is 6617 if you want to look on the brick set page. Well I know I can't wait til I get my hands on these sets, For some modifications of Course. (...) (25 years ago, 16-May-00, to,
  Re: 2000 Race theme
Jeff Johnston wrote in message ... (...) I think this theme is designed to tie in with the Racers software game. ...Allan (25 years ago, 15-May-00, to,
  2000 Race theme
Well, The Construction Site (Waltham, MA) has some of the new Race sets in, and I picked up a couple of the smaller ones. The reviews should go up on my site sometime this week, but I thought I'd share some general thoughts and impressions here. (...) (25 years ago, 15-May-00, to,
  Re: Short A-wing review
This is actually quite a "mee to post", but besides the "not so cool" A-Wing, I should mention that the B-Wing is the most cheated SW starship up to date. Parts are cool in both sets of course, but I didn't sense the amazing feeling of holding a (...) (25 years ago, 11-May-00, to
  Re: Pre-announcement: member pages
hi markus and all i'm very sorry i didn't respond to this post sooner. (...) here's a quick index page i made of the reviews: (URL)2) There is no place to respond to these reviews... as todd mentioned in one of his responses, watch the (...) (25 years ago, 11-May-00, to lugnet.admin.general,
  Re: Short A-wing review
I felt *EXACTLY* the same way about this set! If you read back a few months I reviewed it myself and said that I thought it sucked which generated a great number of comments from people who liked it because it was accurate as far as the movie was (...) (25 years ago, 8-May-00, to
  Emperor's Stronghold, 3053
In the muddy marshlands of Japan, a young emperor is slowly gaining power. He has a small stronghold, and with the princess by his side, he knows it won't be long until he takes over... ...or something... ... a few notes about the set: -Good thing: (...) (25 years ago, 28-Apr-00, to ! 
  Re: Have not bought any yet, until tomorrow...
Dave Johann wrote in message ... I didn't have access to 3551- the dino jet. If (...) them. My TRU didn't have this set either. They had everything else, what gives? Has anyone in the states found this set? Rose (25 years ago, 23-Apr-00, to lugnet.znap,
  Re: Have not bought any yet, until tomorrow...
(...) I can help out a bit here 3510- price $.97 -25 pieces (mostly red) This set converts from a car to a plane-not an easy feat for 25 pieces. The largest piece in this set is excellent in large quantities for creating strong display stands. (...) (25 years ago, 22-Apr-00, to lugnet.znap,

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