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 Reviews / *1092 (-5)
  Re: new Designer sets
(...) I'm thinking of the big curved pieces that have been appearing in the sets lately. For example the four beside the rotor mount on 4403, or the big long piece down the top of the tail. (21 years ago, 29-Mar-04, to
  Re: new Designer sets
(...) New, as in the 2004 additions? Or the sets from 2003? Either way my answer is the same... I think they are the best thing to come along in years! (...) Either that, or they came to this course on their own accord. I think these sets reflect a (...) (21 years ago, 29-Mar-04, to
  Re: new Designer sets
(...) I, for one, think that 4404 is one of the best sets LEGO has produced in the last couple years. I bought this set last summer while I was in Arlington attending BrickFest 2003. I thought it was so cool that when I got back to my hotel after (...) (21 years ago, 28-Mar-04, to
  new Designer sets
What do people think of the new Designer sets? I think Lego has definitely been listening to what we've asked for. I've got the 4402 Motion Madness (blue speedboat show), 4403 Air Blazers (red helicopter shown) and 4404 Land Busters (yellow pickup (...) (21 years ago, 28-Mar-04, to
  Sort-a-review 7044 Rescue Chopper
Item#: 7044 Rescue Chopper Ages: 7+ Pieces: 201 Bill, the marketing guy, bursts into the designers room, about one year ago. -"Say, Mary, I saw your concept model of the World City rescue helicopter. It's a truely great design!" -"I thought so," (...) (21 years ago, 11-Feb-04, to ! 

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