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Re: New Presentation of an old MOC
Fri, 14 Jan 2005 22:38:17 GMT
4474 times
In, Douglas R. Clark wrote:

I have just started to dable with creating wallpapers and scenes of my MOCs using photoshop.

Here are some of my initial results so far:

Looks great! I’m not a big fan of the poster-edge ones though...too obviously a Photoshop filter. I’ve found the magnetic lasso tool to be helpful in cutting out a MOC from the background. Just move slowly around the outside edge, placing control points by clicking every so often. You can clean up any missed spots with a standard or polygon lasso afterwards. There’s also the brush mask, which I haven’t used much, but which should allow you to control the strength of your selection edges as well.

And yes, a solid, evenly lit, good contrast backgound simplifies things a lot.

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