I have just started to dable with creating wallpapers and scenes of my MOCs
using photoshop.
Here are some of my initial results so far:
brickshelf folder
The original moc photo that I used is
I was able to sucessfully cut the viper image from the background though it was
very tedious. I suppose better lighting in the original photograph would have
made that task a bit easier. Assuming I improve my photography set up, is there
a way to get photo shop to auto-extract the foreground image?
When I pasted the viper image into the background I used the blur tool to
soften the edges to eliminate the cut-paste look.
Last I added the vapor trail on its own layer. using pure white paint brush &
air brush. I used the smudge tool to then blend the vapor trail together.
On the other two scenes, I used the poster-edge filter which resulted in a
comic-book-like appearence.
hope you all enjoy,
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