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  Re: (was some dumb argument) is something else now...
In, Timothy Gould wrote: -snip- (...) -snip- (...) Oh forget that, check this out! Do you like it? Any suggestions? (URL) time doing creative things>> (19 years ago, 3-Sep-06, to lugnet.publish,, FTX)
  Re: Beeesh Art - Photoshop
(...) Wow, hey cool, I didn't think anyone would reply. Thanks man. :) happy. e (19 years ago, 31-Aug-06, to lugnet.publish)
  Re: Beeesh Art - Photoshop
wow, i love how it even has a shadow, i like the group photo at bottom as well its very cool, great job -Ben Cooper (19 years ago, 31-Aug-06, to lugnet.publish, FTX)
  Beeesh Art - Photoshop
I worked on an old photo to practice some techniques. This is The Beeesh, Lego Mecha - 26 inches tall. Digital photography and Photoshop. Cybershot 3.3 Original size 1600x1200 (URL) to See Bigger 600x800>> Resized to 800x600 I would liked to have (...) (19 years ago, 31-Aug-06, to lugnet.publish, FTX)
  Re: Ease up on marking folders Avatar
Pardon, Rene, but I actually have an answer to the original question. (...) I spoke with Kevin Loch at BF today, and he stated he had not seen this thread yet. He told me that the tagging of folders as Avatar is based strictly on the first image in (...) (19 years ago, 26-Aug-06, to lugnet.publish, lugnet.general)
  Re: Ease up on marking folders Avatar
(...) Actually, scrub that, I'm wrong. The answer was in the Zerostuds forum but I can't check it now. Tim (19 years ago, 25-Aug-06, to lugnet.publish, lugnet.general, FTX)
  Re: Ease up on marking folders Avatar
(...) The avatar tag gets applied to folders that don't have a Lego image as their first one (alphabetically) IIRC from something Kevin posted on the Zerostuds forum, which appears to have disappeared. Tim (19 years ago, 25-Aug-06, to lugnet.publish, lugnet.general, FTX)
  Re: [please make a positive on topic contribution] Ease up on marking folders Avatar
(...) Ok, let's try this again. This is what I should have said in the first place and called your sublte nit pick for what it is. Its NOT ON TOPIC. Jeff, is that the best you can do? Is that the most positive and enlightend contribution you can (...) (19 years ago, 25-Aug-06, to lugnet.publish, lugnet.general)
  Re: Ease up on marking folders Avatar
Rob when replying to this post, please refer to the subject line. Goodbye. Eric Sophie (19 years ago, 24-Aug-06, to lugnet.publish, lugnet.general)
  Re: Ease up on marking folders Avatar
(...) I get it on the galleries I have that shouldn't go in recent changes like my temp gallery and misc (IIRC). I think once or twice it's happened to a gallery where the gallery thumbnail went odd but it's no big deal. If it happened repeatedly to (...) (19 years ago, 23-Aug-06, to lugnet.publish, lugnet.general, FTX)

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