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Re: Experimental Lego Site
Fri, 5 May 2000 02:26:38 GMT
1073 times
In lugnet.publish, Gloria Summers writes:
In lugnet.general, Bram Lambrecht writes:
In lugnet.general, Jim Hughes writes:
I just finished uploading my Experimental Blue Lego Site:
Mostly it will have all of my older (60's) stuff that doesnt
'fit' on my Technic site and has my new logo!
Let me know what you think.

Cool design & logo.  The text and thumbnails are kind of small at 1024x768,
though, but maybe that's the effect you wanted.  Not very blue, either, for a
site with "Blue" in the title.  Might as well call LUGNET "Blue LUGNET" :)

[FUT .publish]
Make it whatever color you like. I get the feeling "Experimental Blue" could
mean something other than the color of the site?

Yeah, I just downloaded Netscape 6 beta, which Jim was using, and it's quite

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Experimental Lego Site
(...) Make it whatever color you like. I get the feeling "Experimental Blue" could mean something other than the color of the site? I agree though about the tiny images. Make it all bigger so folks can see the detail! (25 years ago, 5-May-00, to lugnet.publish)

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