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Re: LEGO Maniac's Coolest Home Video Contest
lugnet.general, lugnet.publish
Sun, 7 May 2000 22:18:57 GMT
143 times
Okay - I'm ready to finally 'fess up to the fact that, even though I'm an
alleged adult in his mid-thirties, I've entered the Contest (multiple times in
fact). I just updated my website, The Animated Brick Company Showcase, with a
bit of information about the Contest and my entries.  When I roll out the next
edition (in early June) I plan to exhibit my entries.

Currently showing at the ABC Showcase are four of my earlier stop-motion
animation video's that have been rendered into RealVideo format (you'll need a
RealPlayer to watch).  They take just a few minutes to download but I think
you'll find it worth the effort if you like animation.

You can find the site at:

Stop by and enjoy the show.

Okay - so has anyone else entered the Contest?

Message is in Reply To:
  LEGO Maniac's Coolest Home Video Contest
I read about this contest in the March-April Mania Magazine. Are any of you grown-ups planning to enter? or to help a kid send in an entry? I know many AFOLs have made great stop-motion movies already. Seems like a good opportunity for them to "be (...) (25 years ago, 27-Mar-00, to lugnet.general, lugnet.publish) ! 

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