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Re: Thumbnails - Any advice?
Thu, 6 Apr 2000 00:21:57 GMT
2669 times
In lugnet.publish, Brad Hamilton writes:
With my most recent web site update, I added the concept of thumbnails.

To make them, I used a graphics program to scale down my pictures to 30% and
then saved a copy under a different name.  This makes it so the thumbnails
load reasonably fast and are reasonably small.  It was a pain though to
create and link in all those separate files.

Is there a better way?

I use Adobe Photoshop for all my graphics post-processing (but then, I'm a
professional Web Designer...).  One of its many great features is the ability
to program in complex scripts that can be executed on file batches.  I've got
one that take all the files in a given directory and resizes them to be 700
pixels wide for my "Gallery" pages.  Another one takes all images in a
directory and resizes them to 150 pixels for my thumbnails.  All I have to do
is crop all of my images square (focusing on the part of the rendering that I
want) and save them to a directory.  Then I run the Action and use Dreamweaver
to plug in the images.

If you have access to Photoshop, it's great, but if not, this probably didn't
help you much... it's a $700 program.


Message is in Reply To:
  Thumbnails - Any advice?
With my most recent web site update, I added the concept of thumbnails. To make them, I used a graphics program to scale down my pictures to 30% and then saved a copy under a different name. This makes it so the thumbnails load reasonably fast and (...) (25 years ago, 30-Mar-00, to lugnet.publish)

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