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Re: Comic #2 out, Promo listed
lugnet.technic.bionicle, lugnet.general,
Mon, 9 Jul 2001 18:03:30 GMT
58 times
Actually, I just got the "Bionicle Power Pack" that includes
one of these little guys.  They are a lot better than they look:
for instance, the body, legs and arms are all seperate pieces.
I wish both arms could throw, though.  The left arm is made
of a more rigid plastic, and doesn't seem to fit anything
(although it can flip a disk like a coin if you do it
just right).  The right arm throws the disk nicely, better
than an original Throwbot arm.  The body will find its way
into technic sets, it seems to be a quite useful set of
pins and sockets.  I plan to get a whole bunch of these guys.

In lugnet.technic.bionicle, Tom Stangl writes:
Well, if that's the crap they're going to be selling at McD in Sept, then
they'll get no money from me this time around (I routinely spend well over
$200 on McD food when they get Lego).

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Comic #2 out, Promo listed
(...) Why? You can just get the Happy Meal "prize" without actually buying any food. There's even a key for it on the register. I've bought up to 20 toys in a single transaction. If the person running the register gives you any guff, ask to speak to (...) (24 years ago, 9-Jul-01, to lugnet.technic.bionicle, lugnet.general,

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