| | Re: VELUX house still available
(...) snip (...) If you're thinking of getting this set, I think it's definitely worth it. I got mina about a year ago & it's a nice addition to any town. the bed can only fit one fig, but that can be modified. you get extra roof pieces to make the (...) (22 years ago, 27-Aug-02, to lugnet.promo, lugnet.market.shopping)
| | VELUX house still available
The VELUX House (URL) is still available through the VELUX website. I inquired by e-mail and got this message back today: Our VELUX LEGO houses are still available on our web: www.VELUX.com/giftshop We are looking forward to receiving your order. (...) (22 years ago, 26-Aug-02, to lugnet.promo, lugnet.market.shopping)
| | Re: Bionicles Promo's at McDonalds
"Kerry Raymond" <kerry@dstc.edu.au> wrote in message news:H178x7.KA4@lugnet.com... (...) don't buy (...) do in (...) Right on sister! Hear hear! It really disturbs me that my fellow Aussies get so excited by a promo with such crappy Lego on offer - (...) (22 years ago, 21-Aug-02, to lugnet.loc.au, lugnet.promo)
| | Re: New Quaker Oats Studios/Pirates Promo
(...) saving up, since the promo ends on the 31st. Maggie C. (22 years ago, 22-Aug-02, to lugnet.promo)
| | Re: Bionicles Promo's at McDonalds
(...) So, if I understand this correctly ... If I don't go to McDonalds, then I don't have to eat their food and I don't buy a bionicle! That's excellent. It means that I can not do two things I didn't want to do in the time it would normally take (...) (22 years ago, 21-Aug-02, to lugnet.loc.au, lugnet.promo)
| | Re: Bionicles Promo's at McDonalds
(...) Yes... just saw this via email as my kids are in the 0n-line McDonalds Happy meal club. (URL) can see the Happy Meal box on the site :) Also they are running a 'Match-In-Shapes' on-line competition... Happy Mel :) What a great excuse for a (...) (22 years ago, 16-Aug-02, to lugnet.loc.au, lugnet.promo)
| | Bionicles Promo's at McDonalds
Just a short note to mention that the bionicle sets 1388-1393 are becoming available at McDonalds stores in Australia. These appear to be the same sets available in the US last year, but with different printing on the bag [1], are Copyrighted for (...) (22 years ago, 16-Aug-02, to lugnet.loc.au, lugnet.promo)
| | Re: Anyone knows?
Ack! None of the ones I got from HK thru my relative have any stickers "with" the packs... So... you mean the stickers were supposed to come separately, not in the red bags nor the Lego polybags, right? P.S. Too bad Coca-Cola doesn't sponsor Ajax (...) (22 years ago, 12-Aug-02, to lugnet.sports, lugnet.promo)
| | Re: Anyone knows?
(...) I believe the stickers were attached to the Coca-Cola package, separate from the set polybags. I picked up a complete set from HK and the stickers were included in a separate bag, assembled by the seller. -Rob. (22 years ago, 12-Aug-02, to lugnet.sports, lugnet.promo)
| | Anyone knows?
Recently I purchased some Coca-Cola soccer promo sets from Europe and HK. To my surprise, the ones I got from Europe came with some stickers that go to the back of the minifigs. I asked the seller where he got the sets and he told me he got it from (...) (22 years ago, 12-Aug-02, to lugnet.sports, lugnet.promo)
| | Re: New European Quik promo set seen on eBay
(...) Oops, my mistake. Where did those last 10 years go to? They surely went by pretty fast. I mean 2001 of course :-) Grahame (22 years ago, 27-Jul-02, to lugnet.promo, lugnet.admin.database)
| | Re: New European Quik promo set seen on eBay
(...) 4049 from 1991. Grahame (22 years ago, 26-Jul-02, to lugnet.promo, lugnet.admin.database)
| | Re: American Flag Promo
(...) They were selling those in front of the Big Shop during BricksWest too. (22 years ago, 26-Jul-02, to lugnet.promo)
| | (canceled)
| | American Flag Promo
In from LegoLand CA. During the 4th of July, LegoLand CA had a promotional Americal Flag set. A bagged and instructions, with a 50 star sticker. Built from mainly 2x6, 2x8, and 2x10 bricks, it measures roughly 4x6 when finished. These were sold (...) (22 years ago, 26-Jul-02, to lugnet.promo)
| | Re: New European Quik promo set seen on eBay
Looks like the camera buggy is the same as in the Studio Coke Promo from Japan 2001. Set #4067 (...) (22 years ago, 26-Jul-02, to lugnet.promo)
| | Re: New European Quik promo set seen on eBay
"TWS Garrison" <tgarrisBASSo@ISmath...urdue.edu> wrote in message news:Pine.GSO.4.44.0...due.edu... (...) bunny. (...) I noticed that too. I'll contact the buyer or seller to see if they can determine the set number. Huw (22 years ago, 25-Jul-02, to lugnet.promo, lugnet.admin.database)
| | Re: New European Quik promo set seen on eBay
(...) It looks like there are a few more pieces than 4051+4052+4053. . .unfortunately, it doesn't seem to have a visible set number. -- TWS Garrison (URL) capital letters in address for direct reply. (22 years ago, 25-Jul-02, to lugnet.promo, lugnet.admin.database)
| | New European Quik promo set seen on eBay
It's not my auction - only for the record, and for Huw's database... (URL) "studios" set with the Director, a cameraman, and the Nestle Quik bunny. Please forgive any inappropriate groups posted to - followups set to .promo Paul Sinasohn LUGNET #115 (22 years ago, 25-Jul-02, to lugnet.market.auction, lugnet.promo, lugnet.build.minifigs)
| | Re: My Thoughts on BrickFest 2002
(...) (URL) latter is Soccer / Promotional / Coca-Cola, part of a wide range of related sets available in Japan---Brickset might have more info (URL) Masahiro Sekiguchi has pictures (URL) Garrison Remove spamblock for direct reply. . . (22 years ago, 23-Jul-02, to lugnet.gaming, lugnet.promo, lugnet.admin.database)