| | 1817 Forest flyer available at S@H
People have been excited about the dragonfly set that just became available so I thought I would mention that today I noticed online that they are now selling set 1817 (URL) $14.99. See it here (URL) (23 years ago, 3-Jul-01, to lugnet.promo, lugnet.town, lugnet.general)
| | Re: Lego my tunes!
Alright, after receiving my QMPO-"BOX" (CD boxes) I've got to tell you - these things ROCK!!! The packing styrofoam is in the shape of a large 1 x1 Brick including stud complete with "Lego" on it! The disclaimer mentions the special permission to (...) (23 years ago, 28-Jun-01, to lugnet.promo)
| | Dragon Fly Airplane Promo available at Shop @ Home
I noticed that dragon fly was available at Shop @ Home....I hope there are enough...because I think I just might have to get a copy!!!! :) Benjamin Medinets (23 years ago, 27-Jun-01, to lugnet.promo)
| | Re: New Kabaya LoM Promo...
Todd Kubo <kamikazekubo@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:GF8KrK.GoB@lugnet.com... (...) We have them listed, with images, at Brickset: (URL) (23 years ago, 25-Jun-01, to lugnet.promo)
| | Re: New Shell Promo sets now available in NY
(...) I went to this shop that Rich mentioned. I checked on in the Bronx by me, but they had nada. I got all the Shell Shops & Car washes they had on display (only two each. The man there said they might be putting more out today. At 2.10 per gallon (...) (23 years ago, 22-Jun-01, to lugnet.market.shopping, lugnet.promo, lugnet.general, lugnet.town, lugnet.loc.us.ny.ny)
| | Re: New Shell Promo sets now available in NY
(...) I found them at the 1st Shell station on Atlantic avenue. (...) It is supposed to be $10, but I just walked up and the guy behind the counter sold them to me without a gas purchase. Is there a limit on the number of sets you can buy? No limit! (...) (23 years ago, 21-Jun-01, to lugnet.market.shopping, lugnet.promo, lugnet.general, lugnet.town, lugnet.loc.us.ny.ny)
| | New Shell promos in Miami
Just FYI, local Miami Shell stations now have the new promo sets! (24 years ago, 21-Jun-01, to lugnet.promo)
| | Re: New Shell Promo sets now available in NY
Tom, last year I fonud them in Walnut Creek and in Oakland, but only at the end of the promotion period. I'll keep an eye open if they come back. Paul (24 years ago, 21-Jun-01, to lugnet.market.shopping, lugnet.promo, lugnet.general, lugnet.town)
| | Re: New Shell Promo sets now available in NY
Rich- Where in Brooklyn did you find the gas station with the larger Shell sets? Also, what dollar amount of gas did you have to buy in order to get the sets? Is there a limit on the number of sets you can buy? Jonathan- Where are you going to go (...) (24 years ago, 21-Jun-01, to lugnet.market.shopping, lugnet.promo, lugnet.general, lugnet.town, lugnet.loc.us.ny.ny)
| | Re: New Shell Promo sets now available in NY
(...) I will be making a run to pick some of these up & would be happy to grab some for anyone who want's me to (at cost + shipping). I will probably be doing so tonight. Let me know if you are interested. Jonathan (24 years ago, 21-Jun-01, to lugnet.market.shopping, lugnet.promo, lugnet.general, lugnet.town)