| | Re: Promo sets now at Shell
(...) Thanx for the heads-up, Todd. Now I got a question (for anybody) about these Shell sets: Do ya have to buy gas to be able to buy them, or what? Well good luck and collect well, -dead (24 years ago, 3-Nov-00, to lugnet.general, lugnet.promo)
 | | Promo sets now at Shell
Hi All, I just received a message from a relative that lives in Illinois that some Shell stations now have the promotional sets in stock. The siting was at a Shell in Matteson, Illinois. The message I received was fairly short (no set numbers or (...) (24 years ago, 3-Nov-00, to lugnet.general, lugnet.promo)
 | | Re: What happened to Brickset?
"Huw Millington" <hmillington@cix.co.uk> wrote in message news:G3BDwA.K81@lugnet.com... (...) of (...) weeks, (...) Slightly later... Ok, you can now find all promotional sets for a particular theme by selecting the theme of interest at the top, (...) (24 years ago, 31-Oct-00, to lugnet.promo, lugnet.general)
 | | Re: What happened to Brickset?
(...) Promotional sets are still all there, but there is, at this time, no way of looking at just promotional sets. I have been streamlining the database, code and UI over the last few weeks, and will be adding that feature, and a whole host of (...) (24 years ago, 31-Oct-00, to lugnet.promo, lugnet.general)
 | | Re: What happened to Brickset?
(...) Thanks for the info. I have another question, is the promo set database still there? What is the link? Thanks, Kev Z #142 (24 years ago, 31-Oct-00, to lugnet.promo, lugnet.general)
 | | Re: What happened to Brickset?
Kevin Zwicker <kevin1@netrover.com> wrote in message news:G39pI2.nK@lugnet.com... (...) Yes, it's still here, and being updated very regularly (URL) brickset.com) (24 years ago, 31-Oct-00, to lugnet.promo, lugnet.general)
 | | Re: What happened to Brickset?
(...) (URL) is what the first one gets mapped into anyway, at least currently. However the first one is better as a bookmark. (24 years ago, 31-Oct-00, to lugnet.promo, lugnet.general)
 | | Re: What happened to Brickset?
(...) Try (URL) (24 years ago, 31-Oct-00, to lugnet.promo, lugnet.general)
 | | What happened to Brickset?
Hi, I am trying to visit Brickset-the promo set database and keep getting an error 404-not found message. What happened? Does the site still exist? Kev Z #142 (24 years ago, 31-Oct-00, to lugnet.promo, lugnet.general)
 | | Re: Some questions...
(...) Hi Norbert, Having both these sets, I can tell you the only difference is the Droid Developers Kit has some supplementary programs on the CD. You don't need the PC to run either one (I built the R2-D2 without the CD at all). There is just some (...) (24 years ago, 24-Oct-00, to lugnet.promo, lugnet.general)
 | | Re: Some questions...
(...) They are rare in North America. Since you live in Europe, you have access to more special sets. They are not promotional, they are HTO or High Traffic Outlet sets. (...) I don't have any of those, but I think the Dark Side Developer has its (...) (24 years ago, 21-Oct-00, to lugnet.promo, lugnet.general)
 | | Some questions...
Hi. I have some questions: Are this sets really rare ? 4816, 4817, 4818 and 4819 castle sets. I can find them in many stores and hypermarkets in Austria and Slovakia. So ARE they REALLY rare or promo ? (btw. why are they "promo sets" ?) My second (...) (24 years ago, 21-Oct-00, to lugnet.promo, lugnet.general)
 | | Re: German Telekom sets
(...) Ah! Ich fand die Lego Serie bei telekom.de. Wenn man im Fanshop ist, soll man in die Kinderkollektion gehen, und die Lego-Sets sind auf der letzten Seite. Die ganze Serie kostet DM 85,-, und Versandkosten ist DM 15,-. Toki (24 years ago, 19-Oct-00, to lugnet.promo)
 | | Re: German Telekom sets
(...) Hallo Jan, Haben Sie schon einen Brief an lugnet.loc.de geschickt? Es gibt wenige Deutschers hier. Wenn Ihr gut Deutsch koennen, finden Sie mehr Deutschers bei www.1000steine.de. Sie koennen auch die Deutsche-Telcom-Sets bei (URL) finden. Dort (...) (24 years ago, 19-Oct-00, to lugnet.promo)
 | | German Telekom sets
Hallo ! Kann jemand mir alle German Telecom LEGO sets schicken nach Slowakei ? Ich glaube die ganze Serie kostet 84 DM + versand. Danke. Jan (24 years ago, 14-Oct-00, to lugnet.promo)
 | | Re: US Shell Promotion
At one, it was as Scott writes below -- with my fill-up, (...) This probably explains why they still had enough sets for you to stock up on this late in the game. Scott (24 years ago, 13-Oct-00, to lugnet.promo)
 | | Re: US Shell Promotion
One other occurance: At the end (August), some of the franchises combined their stock and sold it through individual stores. Buying a case of these sets @ $.99 per set wasn't unheardof. They are all gone now, but keep your eyes open for the upcoming (...) (24 years ago, 13-Oct-00, to lugnet.promo)
 | | Re: US Shell Promotion
I found that terms were interpreted differently at different stations. I only got in on this in Aug-Sep, after the promo had officially ended (since I don't live in SoCal), but I found a few places that still had them in stock. At one, it was as (...) (24 years ago, 13-Oct-00, to lugnet.promo)
 | | Re: US Shell Promotion
The previous So Cal promotion did not require minimum purchase, however the price varried. The small sets were $1.99 regular price, and $1.19 with minimum purchase of $8. They did not limit the number of $1.19 sets you could purchase, so if you (...) (24 years ago, 12-Oct-00, to lugnet.promo)
 | | #1261 - DUPLO LLF Airline Set
Hi, I just got another promotional set from a friend that I can't find in the Set Guide. He bought it on an airplane, so the set is marked "Specially made for Airline Companies", I don't remember which Airline though. Here are the details, please (...) (24 years ago, 8-Oct-00, to lugnet.admin.database, lugnet.promo)