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  change stickers 4032
I can offer in pairs sticker from Lauda Air or from Austrian Airlines. I´m in search of the stickers in pairs from followings Airlines: ANA; SAS; El Al; Snowflake and SWISS. many greatings from Austria - Gerhard (20 years ago, 5-Jan-05, to
  Re: LLCA New Promo
(...) I have a friend who plays the trumpet, and I might want to get it for him as a gift. How much and is there any way to get it other than by going to the park? (20 years ago, 2-Jan-05, to
  Re: 4032 - EL AL Promo Airplane
(...) As far as I know there are eight airlines: Iberia, El Al, JAL, LEGO Air as pictured here: (URL) SAS, Austrian Airlines, Lauda Air, Snowflake (URL) from a LEGO employee) You need to ask Brendan if you want to know about "one other plane" :-) (...) (20 years ago, 7-Dec-04, to
  Re: LEGO 1952 Danmarks Internationale Mejeri & 2149 Colorline Cargo sticker
Sorry, there is no sticker on truck door.... It can be found in 1952 only. Best regards, Wee Lean (20 years ago, 3-Dec-04, to
  LEGO 1952 Danmarks Internationale Mejeri & 2149 Colorline Cargo sticker
Hi! I am a LEGO town and train collector living in Malaysia. Since the currency exchange rate is so high, I am unable to afford the price of set # 2149. I recently purchased parts through Bricklink to build the set myself. Unfortunately, there is no (...) (20 years ago, 3-Dec-04, to

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