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 Promotional / *1085 (-5)
  looking to trade Duplo LEGO store bricks
I have several of the 2004 California Valley Fair/Hillsdale store bricks and I would like to trade them brick-for-brick for one or two the following store bricks: Lego Store Bluewater 2004 Lego Store Kingston 2003 Lego Store Koln 2002 Lego Store (...) (20 years ago, 19-Oct-04, to,, lugnet.general)
  Re: Info needed on 'Jahr Der Technik 2004 Brick'
Hello collectors of promo bricks! I have some bricks "Jahr der Technik 2004" for exchange with other promo bricks. Followings stones are in search: - Lego Store Chicago 2000 Imagination Center (Disney Anaheim) Distribution Center Brick or Treat 2000 (...) (20 years ago, 9-Oct-04, to,, lugnet.legoland.deutschland, FTX)
  Info needed on 'Jahr Der Technik 2004 Brick'
Hello all my German friends, I was wondering if anybody knows anything about the 'Jahr Der Technik 2004 Brick' that was made at LLD. Here is a picture of it: (URL) The only thing I know about it was it was made at LLD. I would like to find out where (...) (20 years ago, 25-Sep-04, to,, lugnet.legoland.deutschland, FTX)
  LLCA Winter 2004 Commemorative brick schedule
Just got the new passholder newsletter here is a scan of the bricks for this winter: (URL) Brick-Or-Treat -- Oct 23rd - 31st Knights' And Damsels Faire -- Nov 1st - 21st Holiday Block Party -- Nov 22nd - Dec 30th Kids' New Years Eve -- December 31st (...) (20 years ago, 24-Sep-04, to lugnet.legoland.california,, FTX)  
  Re: New (old) promo found (1601)
Hallo! Haha! I accidentally searched for "1601" right now and I found this posting. Happy fifth anniversary! (...) Pics can be found here (Credits to Heiko Baum): (URL) are from an a 1976 Vedes catalogue. Vedes is a ring of toystores in Germany. (...) (20 years ago, 20-Sep-04, to

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