| | Re: 2004 LLCA Commemorative Brick Program
(...) I'm guessing there will only be 4 bricks for the 5 at 5 openings. Since one brick is Dino Island, I think that covers both Coastersaurus and Dig those Dinos (which open concurrently). But there could still easily be 8 or 9 bricks this year. (...) (21 years ago, 13-Feb-04, to lugnet.legoland.california, lugnet.promo, FTX)
| | 2004 LLCA Commemorative Brick Program
Just got the newest LLCA newsletter in the mail and it shows the first 3 bricks for the 2004 Commemorative Brick program. (2 URLs) I am guessing there will be 9 bricks this year: ° one for each of the "5 at 5" openings (total 5 bricks) ° one (...) (21 years ago, 8-Feb-04, to lugnet.legoland.california, lugnet.promo, FTX)
| | Re: set 7221
(...) I cut the DPI in half, so you should be able to load it better. The main reason I left the image so large was for the detail. (URL) (21 years ago, 15-Jan-04, to lugnet.promo, lugnet.general, lugnet.org.us.baylug, lugnet.loc.us.ca.sf)
| | Re: set 7221
Hi! Michael Hopkins wrote to me as below. I do admit that I was a bit tired/unpacient and upset at the moment, and did not want to harm anyone. Ma apologioes for that. It is good that people post pictures etc. On the other hand, posting a 1 Mb (...) (21 years ago, 15-Jan-04, to lugnet.promo, lugnet.general, lugnet.org.us.baylug, lugnet.loc.us.ca.sf)
| | Re: Does anyone know anything about this set?
(...) Have a look at: (URL) (21 years ago, 14-Jan-04, to lugnet.loc.au, lugnet.town, lugnet.general, lugnet.promo, FTX)
| | Re: set 7221
The picture is to big, it only opens partly. When do people learn to resize their pictures? S Russell Clark <rclark@telis.org> wrote in message news:HrEBEH.Kzr@lugnet.com... (...) the (...) only (...) databases. (...) (21 years ago, 14-Jan-04, to lugnet.promo, lugnet.general, lugnet.org.us.baylug, lugnet.loc.us.ca.sf)
| | Re: Christmas Promo Sets
Well Shoot Mark, I thought you'd have posted something on this by now, I know you like to plug park stuff. (and boost your sales on bricklink...:]) Yep, I know that the sales were pretty dismal this year. The tent sale preview for pass members on (...) (21 years ago, 14-Jan-04, to lugnet.promo, lugnet.legoland.california)
| | Re: Christmas Promo Sets
(...) *cough* bricklink *cough* ;) (21 years ago, 14-Jan-04, to lugnet.promo, lugnet.legoland.california)
| | Re: Christmas Promo Sets
(...) Here is a pic of the ornaments on the tree: (URL) have a bunch of pictures I am working on to post here and on my site. Things have been so busy here I am a tad behnd :( But I am shooting for this week to get that stuff up. I will post in (...) (21 years ago, 14-Jan-04, to lugnet.promo, lugnet.legoland.california)
| | Re: Christmas Promo Sets
(...) Here are some pics of the Toy Soldier: (2 URLs) Nice work Bill. If it had a jetpack I would have bought one. ;) (URL) j o n (URL) zemi.net> (URL) moonbase> (21 years ago, 14-Jan-04, to lugnet.promo, lugnet.legoland.california, FTX)
| | Re: Christmas Promo Sets
(...) A word of warning, though (or maybe it was just mine?) - My soldier was missing a few of his tan pieces (including the 1x1 bricks w/ holes for the cheeks, leaving him looking a bit... skeletal. Apparently I got the 3vil Xmas ornament this (...) (21 years ago, 14-Jan-04, to lugnet.promo, lugnet.legoland.california, FTX)
| | Christmas Promo Sets
Surprisingly I didn't see any posts on this but LLCA did in fact have 2 sets available from the park as Park only Promos. For anyone who did see the large Duplo Christmas tree they had up there were some great ornaments on it. One was sold as a Park (...) (21 years ago, 13-Jan-04, to lugnet.promo, lugnet.legoland.california)
| | 7221
I´m interested about this set and I have many things to exchange. greatings from Austria - Gerhard (21 years ago, 13-Jan-04, to lugnet.promo)
| | Re: set 7221
(...) See (URL) for more info. I didn't go to an AMC theater during the holidays, dang it! James Wilson Dallas, TX (21 years ago, 13-Jan-04, to lugnet.promo, lugnet.general, lugnet.org.us.baylug, lugnet.loc.us.ca.sf)
| | set 7221
My sister picked this set up for me from an AMC movie theater. It was in the kid's pack. Warning: huge image! (URL) have not seen this set mentioned before, and I don't know if it is the only set available, or if there are others. Feel free to use (...) (21 years ago, 12-Jan-04, to lugnet.promo, lugnet.general, lugnet.org.us.baylug, lugnet.loc.us.ca.sf)
| | Burger King-Promo with Bionicle-sets
This is a link about the six sets. Whow needs this sets, I can help. Every set costs US$ + shipment. greatings from Austria - Gerhard Ps: I´m a collector of promosets and I´m in search of following minifigs - 2181, 3928, 3929 and mars-promofig. (URL) (21 years ago, 9-Jan-04, to lugnet.promo)
| | Does anyone know anything about this set?
I was in my local K-Mart today, and I came across a small poly-bag set with number 3388 (Island Extreme Stunts, 5+). the set contains 3 pieces creating the following minifig: (URL) There is also what appears to be a 1 page (probably A4) catalogue (...) (21 years ago, 3-Jan-04, to lugnet.loc.au, lugnet.town, lugnet.general, lugnet.promo, FTX)
| | 1552 Sterling Line airplane
Hi everyone, some of you maybe have seen the picture of set 1552 (Sterling Line airplane) on bricklink (posted by Jan.K). I now have a first picture of the builing instructions online. It's nearly exactly the same model as 698 but with a different (...) (21 years ago, 22-Dec-03, to lugnet.promo)
| | The next 4 LLCA Commemorative Duplo Bricks for 2003
I got the passholder newsletter today and it had pictures of the next 4 Duplo Promo Bricks. I have scanned it, here it is: (URL) or, the link if the image does not show: (URL) I LOVE the Halloween and New Years one! I wonder if the back of the (...) (21 years ago, 8-Oct-03, to lugnet.legoland.california, lugnet.promo, FTX)
| | Re: Forget healthy eating.
The other two are 5012 and 5014 (URL) A" <dr_scott_arthur@yahoo.co.uk> wrote in message news:HKwKsq.1Hy8@lugnet.com... (...) set for (...) £3-£4. (...) (21 years ago, 8-Sep-03, to lugnet.loc.uk, lugnet.promo)