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 Promotional / *1021 (-5)
  Re: New LLC Collectible Brick Program
(...) And I have a scan of the new Bionicle Blaster brick in all its red glory, you can check it out here: (URL) am updating my promo brick list here: (URL) am LOVING this program! I really hope they keep it up next year! Mark P (URL) (21 years ago, 2-Sep-03, to lugnet.legoland.california,
  Re: C1000 promo sets
(...) Do not despair, some of my fellow countryman bought these sets up big style, and made these available through Bricklink at low prices. I could not compete with them. With friendly greetings, M. Moolhuysen. (21 years ago, 15-Aug-03, to
  Re: C1000 promo sets
(...) Oh wow, you could have made a mint on that set selling it to Bionicle fans over on (URL) - the "heads" in that set are the shoulder armor for the Toa Nuva - and the yellow is a new color for that part, and the black has only been in a hockey (...) (21 years ago, 14-Aug-03, to
  Re: C1000 promo sets
(...) I should have said here: for me #5014 was not worth the trouble of acquiring. In my opinion one of the lamest LEGO sets ever. I don't have any further information about it, therefore I can not provide an inventory. (...) I'ts good to hear (...) (21 years ago, 13-Aug-03, to, lugnet.inv)
  Re: C1000 promo sets
(...) An inventory would still be appreciated. I think the Hockey parts are in the Peeron Master List; look for pictures in a few weeks. (...) Actually, that policy has changed (the FAQ needs to be updated). Peeron now welcomes Duplo and Primo (...) (21 years ago, 5-Aug-03, to, lugnet.inv)

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