Re: Halcyon days? (was Re: Just great.)
Fri, 31 Mar 2006 19:24:37 GMT
11688 times
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In lugnet.people, Timothy Gould wrote:
We did have a few people who were a lot more kid-unfriendly (if youre into
that sort of thing). Had someone posted hardcore porn I would share that
concern but that hasnt happened yet and I doubt it ever will.
Well I think this comes
pretty close, but I suppose thats subjective.
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| | Re: Halcyon days? (was Re: Just great.)
| (...) Hi Dave, You make a good point about the signal:noise ratio 1. With that I agree. I'm not sure that the dramas were so much in hidden forums as there was enough masking but either way I agree with your point. I would be worried if I saw (...) (19 years ago, 31-Mar-06, to lugnet.people, FTX)
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