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 Building / Mecha / 14293
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Re: IRON MECHA - The Qwelder Mech - FOR SALE
Mon, 27 Mar 2006 23:14:48 GMT
!! (details)
3881 times
In, Eric Sophie wrote:
   Oh boy, look, my target audience is the .mecha crowd, I want them to know about it. The respect of the TOS is in my setting a follow up to the post.

I don’t care who your target audience is. Given the lack of sale of your last auction I’d say your target audience is zero which is exactly how much you should have posted in .build.mecha. Regardless of whether or not I think it will sell though, you have every right to post in the correct forums and I would defend that right if it was challenged. You do not have that right to post in .build.mecha.

   All replies, if any should be posted to the market place group. Instead of picking a nit with me, how about just wishing me luck.


How about you show some respect for other people rather than hiding behind you bulls**t. If you want people to treat you with respect then show some respect for them by obeying the rules of the site.

   (what I don’t understand is when a person has an item of interest to a particular group, why can’t they include the group in question. Continuing to flood the group with the related posts would be wrong, setting a follow up so as to stick to the topic, the sale is the proper course of action.)

Your opinion of the TOS doesn’t matter. What it says does. This has been pointed out to you before.

   Tell you what, until someone helps to maintain an air of civility around here, I’ll continue to post sales informational ONLY cross posts to this group, until I sell every f’n peice of my Lego. Cause I really want out.

When you learn to be civil, then you can lecture others. Until then you have no voice to speak with. I was civil, I posted politely and I posted respectfully which was more than I thought you deserved but I was brought up that way. I see from you response that I was wrong to treat you with dignity.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: IRON MECHA - The Qwelder Mech - FOR SALE
I haven't posted that much in the last 10 years on LUGNET, but when I do it's for a good cause. This should be a public community which fosters positive LEGO-related experiences, just as it was intentded by Todd Lehman, and Suzanne Rich-Green. (...) (19 years ago, 28-Mar-06, to, FTX) !! 

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: IRON MECHA - The Qwelder Mech - FOR SALE
Oh boy, look, my target audience is the .mecha crowd, I want them to know about it. The respect of the TOS is in my setting a follow up to the post. All replies, if any should be posted to the market place group. Instead of picking a nit with me, (...) (19 years ago, 27-Mar-06, to

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