Re: IRON MECHA - The Qwelder Mech - FOR SALE
Mon, 27 Mar 2006 11:43:49 GMT
3743 times
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Hi Eric,
You have been previously had your violations of the .build.mecha TOS
pointed out by John Neal so why
are you advertising your products here again?
This MOC is not new, there is nothing new about the post at all except that it
is an ad for your latest auction. It seems to me that you think you are beyond
the TOS of LUGNET with these repeated violations of the TOS. Made all the worse
by the fact that as a curator of the group you are expected to play somewhat of
a leading role.
Please show some respect for the creators of this forum, the posters who
frequent it and the contract you signed when joining and cease this practise.
Message has 1 Reply: | | Re: IRON MECHA - The Qwelder Mech - FOR SALE
| Oh boy, look, my target audience is the .mecha crowd, I want them to know about it. The respect of the TOS is in my setting a follow up to the post. All replies, if any should be posted to the market place group. Instead of picking a nit with me, (...) (19 years ago, 27-Mar-06, to
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